Tuesday, April 26, 2022

8 values of free expression

 Promote Tolerance & Stable Change

8 Freedoms of Expression

The 8 Freedoms of Expression are used every day in society. Each of the 8 values has a different importance, without them it is hard to determine whether or not your speech is protected by the first amendment. The 8 values include: marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent. Each of these cover very different forms of speech but have the same outcome, protection. They have a goal to allow people in society to speak their minds and speak their truths without punishment by those above them. 

Promote Tolerance

All 8 freedoms of expression  are incredibly important as it was just stated, but two stand out among the others in our society today. It seems that people are expected to say or not say certain things under the beliefs of the government. The first speech that does this well is “promote tolerance”. Under this value of free expression, it is believed by Lee C. Bollinger, a professor at the University of Michigan Law School in his new book that “"a more tolerant society is a better society." To perform this, the expectation is that people will continue to have things that are upsetting or hateful protected from them. This will make them more tolerant in the other aspects of their life. This is also said to "spread the norm" of how people should be acting and speaking out. He also believes that this is a way to practice self restraint for those with extremist speech without using a direct "chilling effect".    

Stable Change

Stable change is the second of the 8 freedoms of expression that I find extremely important. This value tackles the idea that people who have the ability to speak all of their feelings out (rant) will be less violent and therefore be more stable. This is the case because they are able to verbally get their anger out. There is no built-up rage about a topic to get out so therefore there is less violence. This is also said to allow those who are less likely to be connected with society to speak out freely. This is beneficial to the government who can then get a better idea of what people are feeling. Being in a “rant” situation can sometimes lead a person to slip up their words or say too much. If this occurs, the government has the ability to monitor what those people are saying and get to the bottom of their true feelings (especially if they are dangerous remarks).  


Each of the 8 freedoms of expression are beneficial to society, and the majority are beneficial for the government. They all give the government the opportunity to more easily monitor the people around them and though the citizens are protected by the first amendment, having these freedoms of expression outlined makes it hard to get around the law if there does come a case where a person slips up their words.

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