Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Privacy online & off (cancelled class blog)

Are We Safe At All??


The big question to ask ourselves today is are we safe at all? The answer is no. After watching TedTalk after TedTalk, I have learned no one is safe. Any person who has ever used a social media platform or online resource is in danger. Whether it seems like the simplest thing such as google asking you to put in your phone number for “verification” or the most extreme of situations, you send a risky photo/ video to another person, you have been “found”. The government sees you, robots see you, everyone sees you. This is terrifying. 

When watching the Ted Talk “How Revenge Porn Turns Lives Upside Down”, it was a horrifying experience. To know that people are so willing to use the internet as a negative, public place for something that is supposed to be personal, intimate, and special is just horrible. It shows that there is no security in this world at all and that anyone can post anything. The internet is supposed to “monitor” what you post for your safety, when the reality of the matter is they are monitoring everything for their own scary, disgusting pleasures. 

Facebook and Privacy

Since Facebook was created it has been known for its lack of privacy. Recently though, matters have gotten worse. One of the most recent incidents was during election time. Donald Trump's campaign leaders were able to hack into and collect the data of over 50 million Facebook users. They did this through a quiz app that was connected. This caused the CEO, Mark Zuckerberg to make a grand apology to the world and promise that things would be changed for the media in the future. 

Another issue occurred in 2011 where charges were made against Facebook for now following through on that promise that all of their information would be kept private and safe. Peoples’ personal information was being leaked left and right and was fully published out to the public. 


Social media/ the internet is a scary place. If I have learned anything from being a user, it is to be careful of anything and everything I do because someone is always watching and you never know what information might get into the wrong person's hands.    

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