Wednesday, April 27, 2022

EOTO #2 response blog

Net Neutrality


Net neutrality is the idea that all service providers treat all content flow equally. In other terms, this is a way to make sure that some streams are not sent through at a faster pace than others and that there is overall less discrimination among platforms. Some companies will attempt to make your services take a long time to load in hopes that you will switch to a different platform, but the purpose of net neutrality is to stop that. 

Net neutrality  advocates have long argued that keeping the internet an open playing field is crucial for innovation,”states Wired. This protection is the way that people can stay diverse in the platforms they use, the information they take in, and the entertainment they engage in. Without this protection, applications such as Spotify, that millions of people use every single day would not function the same way, hence they’d lose millions of their users due to the fact they are a third party platform. They would not be able to control what they were allowed to provide. Spotify expressed many worries under the realm of losing their users to other vendors,also, because they felt they would be silenced/ given parameters of the content they were allowed to give access to on their platform. 


Overall, the internet would not be the open, free experience that it is today without net neutrality. This has given entrepreneurs the opportunity to create platforms that can flourish the same way that some of the biggest platforms have. It is a completely even playing field for each media and seeing this positive change in the internet world is exactly what we needed.



Free Press


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