Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Progressive Era

 Progressive Era Blog

Knowing the government's political views and their feelings about going to war, it is not surprising that certain websites are pushed to be hidden from the public in order to protect their opinions. This meaning, they want only their opinions to be the ones read by the people. The government would do anything to keep everyone on board with their beliefs, but my personal opinion is this is not fair. The government is taking away everybody’s first amendment rights with legal loopholes for people thinking differently than they do. Not everyone should need to feel the same way about every topic, especially when it comes to the war. The government knows not everyone supports going to war, but instead of allowing people to be educated on both sides of the matter they do not allow people to know the benefits of not going to war. The American Conservative is a site that is in efforts to be hidden from the public with its anti war aspects and harsh opinions that happen to be very good points. Another site where this tends to be the case is This, to say the least, is a brutally-honest site about why war is not the answer. The site has tons of extremely valid resources that could go against the beliefs of the government in every way. 

All of this being said, what the government is doing is wrong. Making it incredibly hard to find sources on topics they do not agree with is not constitutional and though this fits into the first amendment rights in some ways, this should not be allowed. Giving one group of people (the government) as much power as we do as a society is scary and allowing them to limit our beliefs needs to be put to an end immediately. 

How can we do that? How do we as people get our opinions out there and heard as much as the government’s? The answer is we stay educated on what they are doing to hide others’ opinions and we fight for what is right. 

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