Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Blog #2 Founding Era

 Importance and Making of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has been around for what feels like an eternity, and in reality, its establishment was in 1789 . With this establishment there were no cases taken into hearing until two years later in 1791 , but its original date was when it all began. The members that made up the Supreme Court would stay in their positions for the entirety of their lifespan. These justices serving were/ are nominated by the president but voted in by the US Senate.

At the start, the Supreme Court did not have as many cases coming in, so they were accepting all major cases that they were given. The craziest thing I took away from learning about the Supreme Court is that today they receive a tremendous amount of cases per day but only take a very few. This is interesting to me because it shows just how deep these cases are that we now hear about getting taken to the Supreme Court. It also makes you wonder though, why did they turn down this case or that case? Or why was one case so much more important than another? Some are clear, but some are a little bit more interesting to dive into the meaning of. 

Among all of the new knowledge I have of the Supreme Court, the most surprising thing I came across was how many different “stages” the Supreme Court has gone through. There have been many different developments, changes, and improvements to the way that it functions and the process of how to decide on the cases that are being taken. Another surprising thing I learned was what each of the positions on the Court were responsible for. One example being the Chief Justice. The Chief Justice is responsible for the planning/ setting of the meetings they attend each week. 

In all, the Supreme court does so much more than I had ever realized. In addition, it has come so far from where it began in 1789 and will continue to grow as time goes on.

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