Friday, May 6, 2022

Extra Credit Blog #2


Final Presentations

After watching the presentations of the final class, it left me feeling some type of way. It is incredible that a generation that relies so heavily on their technology hates it with so much passion. From the female who spent her life afraid of her cellphone because of cyberbullying but could not get off of it, to myself that openly admitted to the class of my terrible habits on social media and technology, it blew my mind. Even the people who stated “they don’t use it” were in the end showing that they do in fact use it and all the ways. In that moment it was clear that none of us are fully aware of the time we spend on our screens everyday and more importantly, none of us are aware of how truly lost we would be without our devices. After I ended my presentation of honesty about the addiction I have to my phone while using a joking tone, there were a handful or more students who approached me and said that gave me credit for admitting something that not a single other person actually admitted (and were guilty of). They used my presentation to realize that they too were addicted to their phones and that was something I found really special about that final day. We all bonded and became closer based on the fact we all have something in common, something scary and something we cannot knock, and that is our social media use. 

Thank You

I have to thank Dean Smith for formatting this class in a manner that has allowed all students to realize the terrifying notion that cellphones are killing society while also invading our privacy entirely. Students learn an incredible amount of information that matters instantly in their lives while also teaching lessons that can be easily applied in the students’ lives right away. Personally, I have changed my cell phone habits drastically since my own presentation and have changed my perspective on privacy as a whole since we watched The Age of A.I. . in class. This was a great experience and something I will take with me throughout my lifetime. 

Extra Credit Blog #2

  Reflection Final Presentations After watching the presentations of the final class, it left me feeling some type of way. It is incredible ...